Hungry Progenitor

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This mission was introduced during a special in-game event or offer and may no longer be available.

Hungry Progenitor
Event Mission
Avatar Titan.png
Location: Titan (Frysteland)
Objective: Turn in 1 Yeti Burger.
Reward: 500 Credits
Mission Chain: Caden's Curse (Mission Chain)
An Order from Beyond > Data Recovery (Mysterious Loremaster) > Hungry Progenitor > CSI Delta V > Bad Blood > Caden's Mirth > Caden's Wrath (Mission) > Caden's Love > Caden's Legacy (Mission) > Omni Knight Ultra
Mission Text
Before Completion
You dare speak that name in my sanctuary? He represents a foul corruption of the Teach Mage project by that snake Baelius! Raaaaawr!

Sorry, it appears my hunger is once again putting me in a foul mood. A Yeti Burger would truly "hit the spot," as they say. Perhaps a low-level Frost Reaper might have one?
After Completion
Yum! Many thanks, mortal!

Caden was at one time my student, but his ambition outstripped his discipline, and he betrayed everyone in his life for the promise of immortality and infinite power. I foresaw this, but I couldn't accept that future. I wanted to believe my teachings could bring him back. I failed. His DNA should be contained in the Fortune City Science Facility. My advice? Destroy it. This world can ill afford TWO Cadens.