Rabble's Vendetta

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This mission was introduced during a special in-game event or offer and may no longer be available.

Rabble's Vendetta
Event Mission
Avatar Rabblefroth.png
Location: Rabblefroth (Wasteland)
Challenge and defeat any of the following NPCs 5 times:
Frost Demon
Frost Reaper
Yeti Hulk
Reward: 1000 Credits
Mission Chain:
Rabble's Vendetta > Food for the Gods > Cold Comfort > New Allegiance > I AM A KRAMPUS > The Torch Passes
Mission Text
Before Completion
Aaaaaand boom! Boom? No boom. I'd expected some kind of fireworks or something. Not even a puff of smoke? Hrm.

This is highly unexpexted. I need to go over these calculations;why don't you go beat up on something while I figure it out.

Go back to Frysteland and defeat 5 Yetis. I HATE Yetis.
After Completion
Well, my cats have informed me that this is only step one for summoning the Endless. What is step two?Well Mr. Scabber doesn't know. Also, we're out of kibble. Not for the cats, for me. Maybe Titan has some kibble? Go ask him! You remember where he lives, don't you? Big, cold mountains? Shaped like a face?