Talia's Talents

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This mission was introduced during a special in-game event or offer and may no longer be available.

Talia's Talents
Event Mission
Avatar Talia.png
Location: Talia (Fortune City)
Objective: Turn in 1 Legion Token.
Reward: Can of Magic
Mission Chain:
Talia's Talents > Respite for the Fallen > Corporeal Cacophony > Dissection and Discover > Eternal and Arcane
Class: Mage
Alignment: Legion
Mission Text
Before Completion
Well met, friend. I am currently in the employ of Commander Edgar Boothe; he and the Krampus require the help of the more...talented...among us. But first, I have to make sure you're really from my employer. Hand over one of Boothe's Legion Tokens to prove your allegiance is genuine.
After Completion
Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Literally. Several scientists and magicians are holding onto these artificially-concentrated Cans of Magic for me.

Go see Snork to get these wares.