Destruction of Innocence

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This mission was introduced during a special in-game event or offer and may no longer be available.

Destruction of Innocence
Event Mission
Avatar Naomi.png
Location: Naomi (Central Station)
Objective: Win 12 random solo (1vs1), team (2vs2) or juggernaut (2vs1) battles.
Reward: Cyanide Capsule
Mission Chain:
The Endless Hunt > Destruction of Innocence > Hang Up Your Blades > Sweet Smell of Death > Death Is Endless Night
Class: Hunter
Alignment: Legion
Mission Text
Before Completion
I see you have the Cyanide Capsule from my mother. As Bounty Hunters we deal in the shadows, and it's nice to have a way out. I'm not sure I'm all too comfortable with this darknes, but I'm becoming tougher as the days go by.

You could use a little toughening up yourself -- go win 12 random battles then come back for your reward.
After Completion
I'd never see myself becoming this, but I am my mother's daughter -- and seeing my father chained up like a dog destined for the ring...I'm going you this favor, and we'll expect a similar favor in the future.

I believe my mother said Habuki would have an assignment for you.