Eldritch Rakuyo (Mission)

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Eldritch Rakuyo (Mission)
Daily Mission
Avatar Alydriah.png
Location: Alydriah (Frysteland)
Objective: Turn in 5 Void Shards and 5 Omega Wolf Shards.
Reward: Eldritch Rakuyo
Mission Text
Before Completion
My pursuit of new weapons of war is endless. I've been inspired a dream -- perhaps you might say it's an nightmare -- to craft a new exquisite blade with materials from beyond this dim and dreary world.

Bring me 5 Void Shards and 5 Omega Wolf Shards to help me forge this extra-dimensional executioner!
After Completion
Ah! The blade of my dreams! The Eldritch Rakuyo! This weapon, borne of blood and fire, is mine to gift to you, my servant, to wield in my name.