Moonlit Abomination (Mission)

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Moonlit Abomination (Mission)
Daily Mission
Avatar Caden.png
Location: Caden (Wasteland)
Objective: Turn in 5 Void Shards and 5 Omega Wolf Shards.
Reward: Moonlit Abomination
Mission Text
Before Completion
When you've dwelt in the dark for as long as I have, you become more accustomed moonlight than that of Delta V's accursed sun. I believe I can forge a weapon for you that harnesses the somber glow of moonlight, concentrated into a powerful implement of destruction.

Bring me 5 Void Shards and 5 Omega Wolf Shards to help me forge this guiding moonlight!
After Completion
At last, the Moonlit Abomination is complete!