Trash or Treasure

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Trash or Treasure
Permanent Mission
Avatar Krampus Technician.png
Location: Krampus Technician (Frysteland)
Objective: Turn in 1 Elemental Controller.
Reward: 1000 Credits
Mission Text
Before Completion
War! War! War! I grow weary of these constant wars, but they do produce an abundance of amazing technology! I understand some of you outsiders still possess some discarded relics without an eager buyer. You may be in luck! I've sold enough Lute Berry juice and yeti pelts (ethically sourced, of course) to afford to buy excess Elemental Controllers you may have weighing you down.

It would be a great boon to my research if you could part with yours. Just make sure you've already completed all the Frozen Fury missions before selling to me. I wouldn't want to incur the wrath of Alydriah or Boothe!
After Completion
Just what I needed! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Do you have any idea how powerful this device is? Were you just keeping it in your pocket? I might faint…