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This template is used to create NPC pages. Please type the name of the NPC page you wish to create in the box below.


 |Image=        An image of the NPC.
 |Name=         The name of the NPC.
 |Desc=         The NPC speech text.

 |Location=     The location where the NPC can be found.
 |Shop=         The shop the NPC owns, if none remove field.
 |Missions=     The missions the NPC offers, if none remove field.

/* Only include below for NPCs that can be challenged */
 |Drops=        The drops from defeating the NPC, if none remove field.
 |Health=       The NPC's health, if none remove field.
 |Energy=       The NPC's energy, if none remove field.

 |Defense=      The NPC's defense range, if none remove field.
 |Resistance=   The NPC's resistance range, if none remove field.

 |Primary=      The NPC's primary weapon damage range, if none remove field.
 |Sidearm=      The NPC's sidearm damage range, if none remove field.
 |Auxiliary=    The NPC's auxiliary damage range, if none remove field.

 |Skills=       The NPC's skills (use Template:NpcSkill).
/* Only include above for NPCs that can be challenged */

 |Notes=        Any additional notes, if none leave blank.